Psst... guess what?
I've found another awesomely generous artisan over on Artfire... so you know what that means, right? Time for the third edition of Artisans Giving Back!!!
I'd like you all to meet Sunday O'Brien. She's the artisan behind Hazelnut Cove on both Artfire and Etsy. I saw Sunday post in the Artfire forums about a walk she does to benefit MS, and I contacted her to try to find out more about her story and how we can help her out! It turns out that not only is Sunday an awesome artisan, but she's also got a heart of gold!
I asked Sunday to tell me a little bit about the walk she's doing, and this is what she said: "I am currently involved in a walk for the MS Society. It's the MS LifeLines Walk Berkshires 2009; and, it takes place on September 27, 2009. According to the MS Society, every hour of every day, someone is diagnosed with MS. The society uses 85% of walk proceeds to fund education, support, advocacy, and research. They do things like modifying homes to make them accessible, funding respite care so family caregivers can take a break, and supporting research into nervous system repair and protection, pediatric MS diagnosis/treatment, and long-term impacts of MS." Sounds like a great cause to me!
Sunday chose to get involved with this walk because her sister was diagnosed with MS in the early 90's. According to Sunday, "Her progression was slow, going from a cane, to a walker, and finally, to a wheelchair. She now needs assistance with many of the most basic tasks - the ones so many of us take for granted each day." She's actually been interested in doing a walk like this for some time, but until now, her life hasn't permitted it. Sunday also told me she's been trying to get into shape for her own reasons, and, by doing that, she's realized that she can do this now! As she put it " The September walk is 5 miles; so, I still have some training to do; but, I know I'll get there. I just keep telling myself that I'm walking because I'm blessed enough that I can. There are those, like my sister, who would give anything to be able to walk 5 feet. This is the least I can do for her and all the others struggling with MS." What an inspiring statement!
If you want to help Sunday, you can go to the National MS Society and sponsor her directly. (The money goes straight to the MS Society; and, they immediately record your name to [her] Fundraising Honor Roll and the amount to [her] progress meter.) You may also donate to her via PayPal, and she will include your information and donation the next time she sends in her batch of donations. Finally, she has items in her studio you can purchase between now and September that will have the proceeds donated to her walk fund.
Regardless of what you choose, or whether you choose anything at all, please let Sunday know we support her and wish her the best with her upcoming walk! And, if you can't help her financially, why not take the time to tweet or blog about her and help her spread the word! (At the very least, please stop by her blog or twitter and tell her hello... you'll be glad you did, I promise!)
*Do you know another artisan who's giving back to the community around them? If so, please let me know! I'd love to feature them here!*